Tuesday, February 25, 2020

ASCE Assessments - A Look at Infrastructure Criteria

A former member of the military, Rudy Warnock is a highly motivated civil engineer who has made presentations to local, state, and federal clients. From 2002 to 2016, Rudy Warnock owned and led Warnock & Associates, a civil engineering firm in Canton, Mississippi.

To supplement his work as an engineer, Mr. Warnock holds professional memberships with the National Society of Professional Engineers and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Since its founding in 1852, ASCE has represented the professional interests of civil engineers, and it now has 150,000 members in 177 countries. Today, the organization's members work together to advance civil engineering as society’s social and economic engine.

Every four years, ASCE publishes an Infrastructure Report Card that examines sixteen infrastructure categories in the United States. The report utilizes a school report card format, with grades ranging from A to F. For example, infrastructure that employs innovative materials, techniques, and technologies might score high, while those that rely on outdated methods may score lower.

Each grade examines the capacity, condition, and resilience of infrastructure while considering the impact of future need and funding requirements. Moreover, ASCE factors in the operation and maintenance requirements of graded infrastructure and its potential effect on public safety. For additional information on the Infrastructure Report Card, visit www.infrastructurereportcard.org.

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